Ascension Lost CD


1.  The First Rebellion
2.  Throne of Will
3.  Deliverance In Sin and Death
4.  Demigod Imprisoned
5.  Interlude
6.  Exalted Resistance
7.  The Second Fall
8.  Sorrow of the One
9.  Ascension Lost
10. Outro

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ASCENSION LOST is the third album from Munich Thulcandra, whose reputation as independent and especially melancholic-melodic Black metallers is since the successful debut FALLEN ANGEL’S DOMINION excellent. Also on their new record ASCENSION LOST their darkly majestic riffs are always covered by atmospheric lead guitars and are whipped up by frantic drums. The mysterious screams of Thulcandra frontman Steffen Kummerer are enthroned above all that by this distinctive voice and dark-threatening texts in a thrilling atmosphere. ASCENSION LOST is the perfect soundtrack for all fallen on the road to immortality.

Dark, atmospheric & majestic! – A perfect soundtrack on the road to the endless apocalypse!

Additional information

Weight 100 g